🌐Website: https://dragonwar.io/ The official website of Dragon War

💎Telegram Global official: https://t.me/dragonwarglobal The official global community owned by the Dragon War team. This community reached upon 112,000+ members.

💎Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/dragonwarann The community for announcing news, updates, events and rewards. The Telegram Ann gains more than 100,000+ followers.

🐲Twitter: https://twitter.com/io_dragonwar The global social media share about the events, rewards, updates, The fanpage is followed by more than 85,000+ people.

💡Medium: https://medium.com/@dragonwar The page focuses on announcing partnerships, distributing in-game content (characters, dragons, weapons, costume,...) and several events.

🐉Fanpage Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dragonwar.io/ The official fanpage which estimated 145,000+ followers sharing the news, updates, gaming contents, events to players and investors.

▶️Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzl9Gsl58YR9MyL2650tg8w A platform for posting gaming contents, AMA records and tutorials for the new players. Number of subscribers has reach upon 3,900+.

Last updated