
Ian Chan

Ian had 28 years working as Solution Leader on various sectors and topics in Singapore. With perennial years in Technology and Blockchain economy, he became one of the top advisors responsible for the development process of Dragon War.

Alvin Ng

Alvin has experience in the area of Data Analytics, Business Intelligent, Performance Management on Solution Architect, and Project Management from Oracle, Hyperion. He has gained a wide range of knowledge in the IT industry, which suited to be one of the advisors for Dragon War

Minh Do

Positioning as Co-founder and CEO at Imba Group, the studios behind two famous NFT Games Hero Empires and Kawaii Island, Minh Do has proved to be the trustworthy and experienced advisor for making headway for Dragon War.

Thi Truong

Thi Truong is a professional standing behind Icetea Labs,, and Red Kite. He also plays a vital role in incubating several high-profile gaming and metaverse projects. Thi Truong has become the specialist mentor for Dragon War development.

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